Sometimes, when a problem is really hard to solve,you just let it be and try to not to recur the problem again, the problem is forgotten and is already solved.Yeah,it may sound immature or impractical but things get so complicated,you just let it be.
However, it just partly work 4 me.Well,today i finally met her after 2 long months.The result is that i dun even have a word to describe it.Initially,it didnt work well as we met,we even didnt have a word.Then,we started to chat about our problem,even worse, the war of words started again.Then,we into non love topic.Things got pretty well and got even joked around.Sadly,we backed to our love topic again and again, yeah again argument followed.Goodness,before i went home,we finally chat about non love topic again..yeha joking around again and even took pics!!Bizarre huh?
Hope to see you longer but the time is not that really forgiven.So, i shall meet u next week ,HOR?Just wish you have a peaceful thinking.You're the one that i want to be life partner but i hope we could get back the feeling again cause you're great 4 me,used to,not now but soon wil be again and will be forever..
On the other hand, a friend of mine puzzled me with this question: Hey,alvin, you not the same alvin i know.Last time you were problem free and cracking jokes a lot...Yeah,sadly i guess myself not that funny anymore.Well,people grow older,the problems also grow along.I hope i can be the old Alvin....sigh...