April Fool
So fast we come to the month of April.Which means that it just days a way to my own sweet holidays though yet still no idea where we heading to.
Lately, i really had a bad days.first of all,i lost my sandals.For crying out loud, my shoe it just merely RM 10,i have no idea what really happened to the people nowadays, a cheap sandals even got people stole it.On top of that,i don't know when and how, the back of my car was hit by some one.Damn, really have a bad days.
But every dark clouds have silver lining.On Friday,i was in the cc to update my uni application stuff as the Aprill Fool was the last day for that stuff.So i done my updating around 1045.What reall pised me off was the website was still jammed.It was like time bomb as i really scare that after 12 ,the website still jammed and my updated application will be useless.Thank God,i can get through almost 12 am.
On other matter, i visited my grand dad's crematorium for the chinese all soul's day.Yeah,as always i was chocked by the smoke .Same thing,burning paper made items.I'm not being rude,but are those departed really accepting those stuff in another world?But another way around, it also a mark of respect for the departed.For me, we have or ought to treat people around us with love and care before is too late.
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