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Monday, May 22, 2006

Da vinci Code

So,saturday night i finally watch this movie.Thank god, i watched documentary about this movie in National Geographic and Discovery, so i wont be lost while i watching this movie.Though,i'm kinda lost about why Teabing had to be so cruel but i more interested in those secrets and codes matter.

A picture tells a thousand words.Like the picture of " the LASt Supper".Is there any code inside?I'm not sure.But i believe that there is no significant of a "V' sign between Jesus and Mary Mag(John?).But i really curious that from forgotten sources,in some point, you could really see MAry really lies on Jesus arm.What about the holy grail?Why there is a mysterious hand with a knife on a guy third form the left...Is the second guy from the right is Leonardo Da Vinci himself?This da vinci Code things has many intriguing mysterious like Is Priory oF sion exists?

I guess is no point i blogging about the content of this movie/book withoutwatching or reading it.Anyway,i guess people should be open minded about this issue.Just uphold tight your faith,it wil be okay.but what happened if it is true...ooooooo...guess gonna be a big changes of the foundation of this religion.

Why my blogging getting bored..but i really bored blogging about my love stuff.Just find myself that i really well comprehend the true meaning of love fool/


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